Industrial Forum

Theme of the Forum: Intelligent Signal and Information Processing in Industries


Mingyi He, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Ming Zhou, Microsoft Research Asia

Lei Jia, Baidu Inc.


Dr. Lei Jia, Baidu Inc.

Dr. Dong Huang, Terra InfoTech (Smart Earth).

Dr. Junjie Yan, SenseTime.


Topic 1 Advanced Speech Technology of Interaction for Intelligent Speaker
Speaker Dr. Lei Jia, Chief Speech Architect of Baidu Inc.
Company Baidu
Topic 2 Industrialized Computer Vision for Smart City
Speaker Dr. Junjie Yan, CTO Smart City Business Group, Vice Head Research at SenseTime
Company SenseTime
Topic 3 Digital Twins for Smart City and Industry with Semantic Information
Speaker Dr. Huang Dong, CTO
Company Smart Earth, Terra InfoTech (Beijing)

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