Session Index


Tutorial 1 Tensor Component Analysis

Tutorial 2 Speech Enhancement based on Deep Learning and Intelligibility Evaluation

Tutorial 3 Fundamental and Progress of Deep Learning Based Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis

Tutorial 4 Few-Shot Learning, Adversarial Learning, and Their Applications

Tutorial 5 Fundamental and Progress of Immersive Visual Media Communications

Tutorial 6 Signal Enhancement for Consumer Products

Regular Session

TUE-AM1-SS1 Convergence of 5G with SDN/NFV/Cloud

TUE-AM1-SS2 Signal Processing for Big Data and Its Security

TUE-AM1-SS3 Machine Learning for Small-sample Data Analysis

TUE-AM1-O1 Voice conversion

TUE-AM1-O2 Speech Synthesis

TUE-AM1-O3 Speech Recognition

TUE-AM1-SS4 Recent Advances in Biometric Security


TUE-PM2-SS1 Signal Processing for Crowd Science

TUE-PM2-O1 Speech Emotion Recognition

TUE-PM2-O2 Speaker Recognition

TUE-PM2-O3 Image Processing

TUE-PM2-O4 Speech Synthesis

TUE-PM2-O5 Speech Recognition

TUE-PM2-O6 Speech Enhancement

TUE-PM3-SS1 Special Learning under Limited Samples Scenarios

TUE-PM3-SS2 Signal Processing in Behavior Analysis

TUE-PM3-SS3 Latest Progress on Fractional Signal Processing Theory and Application

TUE-PM3-SS4 High Performance Image and Video Processing and Applications

TUE-PM3-O1 Speaker Recognition

TUE-PM3-O2 Speech Recognition

TUE-PM3-O3 Speech Enhancement

WED-AM1-O1 Paralinguistics in Speech and Language

WED-AM1-O2 Neural Signal Processing

WED-AM1-O3 Computer Vision

WED-AM1-O4 Language Learning

WED-AM1-O5 Dialog System

WED-AM1-O6 Adaptive Signal Processing

WED-AM1-O7 Signal Processing Methods

WED-AM1-O8 Image Processing


WED-PM2-SS1 Advanced Topics on High-dimensional Data Analytics and Processing

WED-PM2-SS2 Lightweight Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Embedded Applications

WED-PM2-SS3 High Performance Video Processing and Image Identification

WED-PM2-SS4 Physical and Wireless Environment Recognition Based on Signal Processing

WED-PM2-SS5 Robust Rich Audio Analysis

WED-PM2-O1 Signal Processing Methods

WED-PM2-O2 Image Processing

WED-PM3-SS1 Recent Advances in Fingerprinting and Data Hiding

WED-PM3-SS2 Recent Advances in Speaker Recognition, Speaker Diarization and Language Recognition

WED-PM3-SS3 Deep Generative Models for Media Clones and Its Detection

WED-PM3-SS4 Recent Trends in Signal Processing & Machine Learning - Acoustic & Biomedical Applications

WED-PM3-SS5 Information Security for Digital Content

WED-PM3-SS6 Second Language Speech Perception and Production[1]

WED-PM3-SS7 Recent Topics on Signal and Information Processing for Active Control of Sound

WED-PM3-SS8 Advanced Signal Processing for 5G Communication

THU-AM1-SS1 Advanced Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Audio and Speech Applications

THU-AM1-SS2 Multilingual Speech and Language Processing

THU-AM1-SS3 Deep Learning Systems for Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing, and Applications

THU-AM1-SS4 Technologies for A Maximized Experience of Multi-dimensional Content: from 2D, 3D Modeling to An Objective Assessment

THU-AM1-SS5 Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence

THU-AM1-SS6 Multi-source Data Processing and Analysis: Models, Methods and Applications

THU-AM1-SS7 Second Language Speech Perception and Production[2]

18th November 2019 (Monday) - Day 0

Time and Venue A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
9:30-11:30 Tutorial 1
Tensor Component Analysis.
Yipeng Liu
Tutorial 2
Speech Enhancement based on Deep Learning and Intelligibility Evaluation.
Yu Tsao and Fei Chen
AutoWare Workshop
Alexander Carballo and Qingguo Zhou
11:30-13:00 Lunch Break (not served)
13:30-15:30 Tutorial 3
Fundamental and Progress of Deep Learning Based Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis.
Zhenhua Ling
Tutorial 4
Few-Shot Learning, Adversarial Learning, and Their Applications.
Jen-Tzung Chien and Zhanyu Ma
AutoWare Workshop
Alexander Carballo and Qingguo Zhou
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Tutorial 5
Fundamental and Progress of Immersive Visual Media Communications.
Yo-Sung Ho
Tutorial 6
Signal Enhancement for Consumer Products.
Akihiko Sugiyama
AutoWare Workshop
Alexander Carballo and Qingguo Zhou
18:00-19:00 Executive Committee Meeting
19:00-21:00 Welcome Reception

19th November 2019 (Tuesday) - Day 1

Time and Venue A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
8:30-9:00 Open Ceremony (Yanhong Li)
(Grand Ballroom,Crowne Plaza Hotel,3F)
9:00-10:00 Keynote 1: Transfer Learning: from Bayesian Adaptation to Teacher-Student Modeling. Chin-Hui Lee
(Haizhou Li, Professor of National University of Singapore)
(Grand Ballroom,Crowne Plaza Hotel,3F)
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Overview 1
Kazushi Ikeda, Jianquan Liu, Chung-Hsien Wu
(Homer Chen)
Convergence of 5G with SDN/NFV/Cloud
(Po-Chiang Lin, Wen-Ping Lai)
Signal Processing for Big Data and Its Security
(Yuhong Liu)
Machine Learning for Small-sample Data Analysis
(Zhanyu Ma,Jen-Tzung Chien, Ruiping Wang, Xiaoxu Li)
Voice conversion
(Nobuaki Minematsu)
Speech Synthesis
(Rohan Kumar Das)
Speech Recognitioni
(Hemant Patil)
Recent Advances in Biometric Security
(Koichi Ito , Tetsushi Ohki)
Paper ID: 286, 327, 355, 395, 403 Paper ID: 264, 295, 336, 357, 397, 457 Paper ID: 103, 356, 376, 378, 380, 383, 416 Paper ID: 68, 73, 94, 114, 140, 207 Paper ID: 132, 190, 193, 200, 402 Paper ID: 170, 172, 205, 214, 215, 216 Paper ID: 303, 322, 409, 420, 421, 442
12:00-13:20 Lunch Break
Friend Lab1
Machine Learning TC
SPS Meeting SIPTM Meeting IVM Meeting MSF Meeting

(Zhiyi Yu)
(Gansu International Conference Centre(GICC), 3F)
Conference Board Meeting
Paper ID: 11, 40, 57, 59, 60, 72, 74, 111, 125, 134, 135, 136, 142, 144, 146, 149, 159, 161, 166, 169, 180, 186, 196, 199, 219, 239, 240, 249, 256, 300, 343, 350, 384, 414, 426, 428, 449, 479
15:00-16:40 Overview 2
Hsin-Min Wang, Chang-Su Kim, Sanghoon Lee
(Nam Ik Cho)
Signal Processing for Crowd Science
(H. Vicky Zhao , Yan Chen)
Speech Emotion Recognition
(Chi-Chun Lee)
Speaker Recognition
(Yanhua Long)
Image Processing
(Isao Echizen)
Speech Synthesis
(Jun Du)
Speech Recognition
(Xueliang Zhang)
Speech Enhancement
(Meng Sun)
Paper ID: 130, 133, 297, 305, 390 Paper ID: 47, 93, 173, 220, 294 Paper ID: 171, 197, 235, 246, 255, 340 Paper ID: 245, 325, 385, 404, 433, 462 Paper ID: 105, 107, 109, 121, 126 Paper ID: 106, 116, 145, 147, 150, 152 Paper ID: 115, 162, 253, 332, 450
16:40-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:40 Industrial Forum
Intelligent Signal and Information Processing in Industries
Special Learning under Limited Samples Scenarios
(Ganggang Dong, Yinghua Wang, Bo Chen)
Signal Processing in Behavior Analysis
(Kazushi Ikeda, Li-Wei Kang)
Latest Progress on Fractional Signal Processing Theory and Application
(Bing-Zhao Li, Xiaolong Chen, Yong Guo)
High Performance Image and Video Processing and Applications
(Kosin Chamnongthai)
Speaker Recognition
(Dong Wang)
Speech Recognition
(Hsin-Min Wang)
Speech Enhancement
(Changchun Bao)
Paper ID:435, 439 Paper ID: 266, 347, 362, 373, 458, 461 Paper ID: 34, 259, 367, 374, 400, 473 Paper ID: 67, 90, 177, 298, 341, 475 Paper ID: 99, 100, 128, 138, 157 Paper ID: 13, 15, 23, 24, 71, 98 Paper ID: 4, 77, 81, 85, 86
19:00-22:00 Buffet BOG Meeting

20th November 2019 (Wednesday) - Day 2

Time and Venue A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
9:00-10:00 Keynote 2: Digital Retina – Improvement of Cloud Artificial Vision System from Enlighten of HVS Evolution. Wen Gao
(Hitoshi Kiya, Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University, President of APSIPA)
(Multi-function Office GICC 4F)
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 WED-AM1-O1
Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
(Yu Tsao)
Neural Signal Processing
(Kazushi Ikeda)
Computer Vision
(Ce Zhu)
Language Learning
(Aijun Li)
Dialog System
(Qin Jin)
Adaptive Signal Processing
(Mau-Luen Tham)
Signal Processing Methods
(Shinsuke Ibi)
Image Processing
(Sanghoon Lee)
Paper ID: 456, 112, 153, 154, 225 Paper ID: 87, 187, 195, 399, 422 Paper ID: 44, 46, 84, 97, 108, 184 Paper ID: 158, 181, 185,444, 454 Paper ID: 3, 7, 63, 82, 231 Paper ID: 1, 2, 31, 273, 284 Paper ID: 32, 117, 21, 58, 102 Paper ID: 104, 143, 183, 191, 218, 226
12:00-13:20 Lunch Break
Friend Lab2
Women in APSIPA
SLA Meeting BioSIPS Meeting DL Meeting WCN Meeting Bylaw Meeting
13:20-15:00 POSTER 2
(Xiangui Kang)
Gansu International Conference Centre(GICC), 3F
Technical Board Meeting Editorial Board Meeting
Paper ID: 39, 80, 118, 131, 139, 188, 201, 203, 206, 208, 212, 222, 224, 232, 233, 238, 242, 248, 251, 252, 257, 261, 285, 301, 308, 335, 337, 339, 353, 361, 375, 427, 446, 460, 472, 476, 477, 478
15:00-16:40 Overview 3
Hsueh-Ming Hang, Homer Chen, Jiwu Huang
(Yoong-Choon Chang)
Advanced Topics on High-dimensional Data Analytics and Processing
(Supavadee Aramvith , Shogo Muramatsu )
Lightweight Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Embedded Applications
(Hakaru Tamukoh, Hiroshi Tsutsui)
High Performance Video Processing and Image Identification
(Junyong Deng)
Physical and Wireless Environment Recognition Based on Signal Processing
(Osamu Takyu)
Robust Rich Audio Analysis
(Xiao-Lei Zhang)
Signal Processing Methods
(Mingyi He)
Image Processing
(Zhonghua Sun)
Paper ID: 41, 311, 333, 430, 467 Paper ID: 175, 309, 310, 424, 445 Paper ID: 293, 316, 324, 352, 431 Paper ID: 321, 323, 358, 392, 405 Paper ID: 277, 330, 342, 366, 381, 386, 412 Paper ID: 113, 176, 230, 351, 482 Paper ID: 8, 14, 16, 17, 27, 95
16:40-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:40 WED-PM3-SS1
Recent Advances in Fingerprinting and Data Hiding
(Minoru Kuribayashi, David Megías Jiménez)
Recent Advances in Speaker Recognition, Speaker Diarization and Language Recognition
(Qingyang Hong, Lin Li)
Deep Generative Models for Media Clones and Its Detection
(Fuming Fang, Zhenzhong Kuang, Xin Wang)
Recent Trends in Signal Processing & Machine Learning - Acoustic & Biomedical Applications
(Kiyoshi Nishikawa, Felix Albu,Akhtar, Muhammad Tahir)
Information Security for Digital Content
(Xiangui Kang,KokSheik Wong,Linna Zhou)
Second Language Speech Perception and Production[1]
(Ying Chen,Jian Gong)
Recent Topics on Signal and Information Processing for Active Control of Sound
(Yoshinobu Kajikawa, Chuang Shi)
Advanced Signal Processing for 5G Communication
(Na Chen, Minoru Okada)
Paper ID: 291, 302, 296, 410 Paper ID: 101, 160, 279, 348, 349, 438 Paper ID: 45, 313, 331, 346, 418 Paper ID: 49, 64, 75, 289, 359, 393 Paper ID: 36, 217, 250, 265, 288, 354, 417 Paper ID: 96, 151, 223, 320, 377, 411 Paper ID: 70, 271, 363, 391 Paper ID: 328, 388, 394, 480, 481
18:40-19:10 APSIPA General Assembly
19:10-22:00 Banquet

21th November 2019 (Thursday) - Day 3

Time and Venue A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
9:00-10:00 Keynote 3: Applying Deep Learning in Non-native Spoken English Assessment. Kate Knill
(Hongwu Yang, Professor, Northwest Normal University)
Multi-function Office,GICC 4F
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Overview 4
Seishi Takamura, Ying Loong Lee, Mau-Luen Tham
(Dong Wang)
Advanced Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Audio and Speech Applications
(Shoji Makino, Hiroshi Saruwatari)
Multilingual Speech and Language Processing
(Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, GuanyuLi, Mijiti Ablimit)
Deep Learning Systems for Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing, and Applications
(Jia-Ching Wang)
Technologies for A Maximized Experience of Multi-dimensional Content: from 2D, 3D Modeling to An Objective Assessment
(Sanghoon Lee, Chia-Hung Yeh)
Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence
(Chern Hong Lim, Mei Kuan Lim )
Multi-source Data Processing and Analysis: Models, Methods and Applications
(Ping Han, Qiuping Jiang, Runmin Cong, Chongyi Li)
Second Language Speech Perception and Production[2]
(Ying Chen, Jian Gong)
Friend Lab3
Paper ID: 290, 318, 329, 364, 443 Paper ID: 61, 178, 319, 408, 429, 440 Paper ID: 278, 406, 441, 466, 469 Paper ID: 65, 272, 369, 448, 463 Paper ID: 202, 292, 344, 379, 419 Paper ID: 122, 260, 281, 312, 407 Paper ID: 413, 459, 465, 468, 474
12:00-12:30 Closing Ceremony
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
Friend Lab3
Friend Labs in China
Editorial Board Meeting
14:00-18:00 Tour Activities
19:00-21:00 Buffet